World Health Day - Healthy Planet, Healthy Us
We all celebrate World Health Day on April 7 annually to mark the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO).
The day was observed primarily on April 7, 1950.
This Year's Theme
The theme of World Health Day 2022 is "Our Planet, Our Health". We are aware of the current pandemic and the risk of acquiring diseases like cancer, asthma, and heart disease. According to WHO, more than 13 million fatalities are caused by preventable environmental factors each year worldwide.
After COVID19 we have learned a lesson that we took everything very lenient.
We forget the basic concept that we rely on healthy ecosystems to support healthy communities and societies. A well-functioning environment provides essentials for human health.
Our contribution to saving the planet
Nutriorg has a mission to promote healthy living by serving the organic range of products. Our motto is to help people acquire healthy eating habits and lifestyles with no harm to nature. We believe in sustainable living, uplifting the consumers and growers to minimize their carbon footprint. We have installed solar panels on our farms to save energy. Nutriorg encourages farmers by purchasing their products and assisting them to increase their revenue thus preventing them from using poisonous chemicals and pesticides. We have a vision that one day every person will use organic products.
How to save our Planet?
Saving the planet should be a priority of every person. Rather than blaming others, start by yourself.
These are some simple methods we can do to save our planet:
- Use organic products
- Conserve Water
- Plant trees
- Cycle more, Drive less
- Educate and Aware
- Save energy
A little effort can lead to a significant change. WE are working on it, are YOU?